How to Measure the Brightness of an LED Beacon Light?


The answer to the question of how bright an LED beacon light is can frequently be subjective. For example, under strong light, anything that appears brilliant in a poorly lit room may not appear so in direct sunlight. In the same way, the brightness of a laser pointer and a flashlight are very different. Light may be quantified objectively using certain units of measurement, even though brightness judgments can differ. The three most widely used units are candlepower, lumens, and candela. Each concept will be defined and their relationships will be covered in this text.

led beacon light


Lumens (lm) represent the total amount of visible light emitted by a source. This unit measures the perceived output of light, regardless of direction. Essentially, the higher the lumen value, the greater the amount of light a source produces. Lumens are particularly useful for assessing lights designed to provide broad illumination over a wide area.


Candela (cd) measures the intensity of light in a specific direction. Unlike lumens, which account for the total light emitted, candelas indicate how bright the light appears from a particular vantage point. This measurement is especially important for focused lighting applications, such as spotlights or warning beacons. Candela values can be influenced by how the light is focused, but simply blocking part of the light source doesn't change the candela value.


Candlepower (cp) is an older unit of measurement that has been largely replaced by candelas. One candlepower is nearly equivalent to one candela. Historically, candlepower measured the brightness of a light source compared to a standard candle. In modern terms, candlepower and candela are often used interchangeably, though the latter is more scientifically precise.

Lumens vs. Candela

While 1 candela is technically equivalent to 12.57 lumens, these units serve different purposes. Lumens quantify the total light output, making them useful for general illumination. In contrast, candelas measure the intensity of light in a specific direction, crucial for applications requiring focused beams. For instance, a standard light bulb may have a high lumen value but a low candela value, while a spotlight would be the opposite.

Candela vs. Candlepower

Today, candela is the standard unit of measurement for luminous intensity, having replaced candlepower. The transition to candela occurred because it provides a more accurate and universally accepted measure of light intensity.

SAE Class

The SAE Class system, developed by the Society of Automotive Engineers, classifies vehicle warning lights based on their candela values. Class 1 lights have the highest candela values, suitable for the most demanding conditions, while Class 3 lights have the lowest. Understanding SAE Class ratings helps in selecting the appropriate safety lights for authorized use.

In conclusion, selecting an LED beacon light involves understanding how its brightness is measured. Lumens and candelas provide essential insights into a light's performance, helping you choose the right light for your needs. AgriEyes offers a range of LED beacon lights that meet the highest standards of brightness, color, flash patterns, and durability, ensuring compliance with American regulations.

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